

Healthier Workplaces, A Healthier World

Tracy Washington Enger

Tracy Washington Enger

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
 United States
Timezone: America/New_York

Tracy Washington Enger is passionate about improving public health through evoking the leadership that resides in all of us. In her work over the last 25 years with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington Enger has been dedicated to creating the safe, healthy, pristine school indoor environments that contribute to learning. She received her B.S. and M.S. in journalism from Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. After graduate school, Washington Enger joined the Peace Corps, where she taught English literature and language in Sierra Leone, West Africa. Washington Enger is an alumnus of the Newfield Network international coaching program. 

Synergist Webinars 
Date & Time (EST) Title Role
Monday, September 13, 2021
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Healthy Schools Townhall Webinar Presenter
